Today we are going Shake up the codes.
Today we are going Destroy conveniences and do new things to bring new results.
Surely you have already told yourself that your bipolar disorder has caused you to lose everything.
Let this one you Prevents being happy on a daily basis and that as a result, everything is lost.
You then feel clueless, lower than the ground, as if all the weight of the world was resting on your shoulders.
How do I know that?
I experienced it myself.
This period or you Touch despair.
This period or you Lose faith.
Faith in you, in doctors, in life...
In this article we are going to do break our barriers, rediscover beauty where we did not expect it, explode the laws of propriety to get the best out of it, the juice, the nectar.
Here, no blah blah, everything we are about to see has been applied by a large number of people I met in my coaching school.
I also applied it myself to my bipolar disorder and others have used it on their lives, such as another student at my school who was left paraplegic after a motorcycle accident.
The result?
See the gift where until now we only managed to see chaos, horror, despair...
This result was possible for a large number of people and it is also possible for YOU !
But be careful, this does not mean that it will be easy and that you will get there from day one or even in 1 year.
It took almost 7 years for this to work for me.
So yes, it seems long but on the one hand, this does not mean that it will necessarily be that long for you and on the other hand, The result is well worth the effort.
- Everything Start all over again and see your past and your current obstacles as challenges and present that make you grow on a daily basis.
- Rediscover the Joie de Vivre And the happiness simple little moments in your life
- Live more calmly and calmly on a daily basis
- To live, quite simply and no longer survive...
Do you think it is possible to Becoming a Millionaire without even getting a cent?
I'm telling you, it's POSSIBLE !
From bipolar to millionaire, here is a great promise.
Without further ado, let's get to the heart of the matter!
When a country faces a war, there is always a beginning.
This is reflected in the desire for dominance, in the need to defend oneself from a threat, in the need to help one's people live and no longer die of hunger on a daily basis.
In your case, it's the same thing.
One day, the Trouble has made its appearance in one way or another:
Acute delirious flush, severe depression (Article: Bipolar depression/ Things to avoid as a bipolar person) etc...
And since then, your whole life has been turned upside down.
Moreover, since that moment, your life has been turned upside down and deep down, you know that more nothing will ever be the same again.
And although you may not see it yet, It's a good thing.
In any case, in life, Nothing is fixed and as Antoine Lavoisier said”Nothing is created, nothing is lost, everything is transformed“.
So, in this first stage of change, I invite you to plunge back into the most distant memory that refers to the onset of your disorder.
What was this event that completely changed?
What is this moment or everything to switch?
And if you don't remember it, pick up the most memorable memory that made you realize that your life will never be the same again.
That's it, do you have it?
I know that this is not necessarily pleasant so congratulations, sincerely BRAVO!
And now...
Let's get the process started.
And I warn you, you will not like it, you will want to resist, to leave insulting me and maybe to send a message to Clément asking him who is the big jerk who dares to ask how the most painful moment of your life was also a gift for you.
Your brain is not yet calibrated in this sense but, little by little, it will come.
So you are going List 30 reasons What makes this event, period, memory, make you think that it was beneficial for you.
This may be because behind you have never been so supported in your life, because you have met this or that person, because you have learned to become resilient, because it has allowed you to learn more about yourself and to learn to take care of yourself, to stop smoking, drugs, alcohol...
It doesn't matter.
List everything that comes to your mind because In addition to the fact that bipolar disorder has been a difficulty in your life, it has brought you joy, comfort and much more.
That's what we call the Law of balance.
And Everything is in balance in this world.
Bipolar speech.
Think that you can also Learn how to cope better with bipolar disorder by going directly to the HopeStage homepage.
In a battle plan, there are always steps.
This is reflected in the convening of the headquarters, the establishment of a defense or attack strategy and the implementation of it on the ground.
Now that we have, surely painfully I get it, embrace and rebalance the forces of what happened to you, it is appropriate to integrate and create a strategy allowing you to use it on a daily basis, wherever you are.
You could wait for me to give you mine, however it seems more relevant to me to create your own.
And that's what we're going to do together.
Now that you've completed your list, it's important to Use it wisely and make it a reflex.
To do this, you need to reprogram your thought patterns.
Go on This article to find out if you need to be accompanied.
Healing is a choice, not a consequence
In order for the suite to be valid, the prerequisites are thatYou have to believe.
Believing in it is already a victory.
And I would even say that it is the most important.
It is then possible that sometimes, our belief that we will succeed falters and disappear for the time of one more hospitalization or relapse.
But the most important thing is to Bringing hope back and believing in it again and again and again.
Never stop believing in it, NEVER...
By the way Believing in it does not guarantee you will succeed, however, not believing in it guarantees you will fail.
So what do you prefer?
If you don't know where to go, it will be difficult to reach your point of arrival.
It's the same for changing your patterns.
As a first step, Have fun (and nothing more) to identify the patterns you want to change and Ask yourself what you would like to see there instead.
For example, every time you feel like an idiot, ask yourself How you would like to feel.
Or, every time you do something that you think is harmful for you, ask yourself What could you replace it with
This is a simple mental process to be integrated into your daily life.
As if you installed new software on your on-board computer.
And to make the process easier, you can write what comes to you in a small notebook or daily journal.
Personally, I write it on my daily journal (I write on it every day and I put things in a bit of bulk).
Choose what's right for YOU.
This step takes time and the best way to get the most out of it is to Do it daily rather than once a week.
Both being even better!
After tracking your various patterns on your hard drive like a Sherlock, let's take a step back to observe the effects of this process.
So, as Mr Homes could do, Unravel every detail that marked you in the previous process, each small resistor Who appeared, each small revelation who emerged.
This stage, like the others, can take hours, days, weeks or even months.
It will depend on the degree of precision you put into it, the importance of the details you bring, the time you devote to this project.
Once again, Come back to it regularly at lower doses may be more beneficial.
(Some work differently and prefer to do large blocks, that's OK, adapt to your way of doing things)
Once you have all these small details in mind, Take the time, ideally in writing, to ask you:
- How did this old limiting thought help me move forward?
- How did it become useless?
- Why is it important for me to change it?
- What will my new thinking help me with?
- What can we do to perpetuate the change?
Answer these questions keeping in mind that Change happens over the long term in small steps every day.
Now, you may be wondering why the title of this article is about Going from bipolar to millionaire?
Well here we go, it's the highlight of the show, the icing on the cake.
At first, do you think it is more profitable to be given a fish to eat or to teach you how to fish?
Learn unto fish of course.
It is this that I hope I did in this article.
And it is in knowing this that one is a millionaire, since knowledge is priceless.
And knowledge followed by action is invaluable !
But let's go further.
Today, if you are reading this article it is because you probably have bipolar disorder or because you have a loved one who has it.
Good news, yes You are a loved one, the following also applies to you.
Imagine that I take away your sight and that in exchange I give you one million euros.
How would you feel?
Surely sad, angry, with a sense of injustice and you would be right.
Now imagine that for the sum of one million euros you can regain your sight thanks to surgery.
What would you do?
You would give back your million without hesitation to be able to see again of course.
So yes, you Do you have bipolar disorder and yes it's painful on a daily basis.
But how much is your sight worth, the fact that you have your arms, your legs, your ears, your legs, your hearing, the smell, your loved ones, the medical profession, the medicines...
It's hard to hear I know, because you say to yourself “yes but it's not the same for me, I've been in a great depression for 3 years” and you're right, it's not easy.
I still say the same thing to myself sometimes.
However, Experiencing gratitude significantly improves daily life.
A study was done on soldiers returning from the war.
It has been proven that with simple gratitude exercises, the latter (in comparison with those who did not do these exercises), slept better, re-socialized more and overall more easily regained the joy of living on a daily basis.
So learn to Feeling thankful on a daily basis.
For small things:
- Have a roof
- Be monitored by your psychiatrist
- Have support
- Have friends
- Have your spouse
- Be able to eat as you want
- Etc...
You are millionaires in many ways and you know it deep down.
In a future article we will talk more deeply about the gratitude and exercises that can be put in place to dig a little deeper into the subject.
So we saw together how, through simple steps, observe, modify, and maintain your mental patterns that limited you.
Therefore, it is important at first to believe that change is possible, in a second phase ofidentify these patterns To be able in a third step Modify them.
It is highly important that you believe in your heart and soul that these changes are possible because without them, the process will either not work or will take much longer than necessary.
It is a A process that is slow, sometimes painful and prone to relapses but please keep hope because it is possible and I am convinced you will succeed.
Gratitude can also help in the process and even bring you to the realization that You are already rich with everything you have.
PracticalBe there every day and welcome what comes out of it.
As a reminder, a plan without action is just a piece of paper.
Action without a plan is a Russian roulette game.
So ready, fire, go!