
The hidden face of bipolarity

Surely you have already asked yourself why the bipolar disorder had fallen on YOU?

Why YOU and not another one?

And Why this disease, So hard, so deceitful?

And Why now when everything hasn't been going so bad up to now?

When one is affected by a bipolar disorder, this question can literally obsess us:


Question that sometimes is answered but often remains Suspended in the air, to help, without anyone really being able to catch it and answer it.

No choice butaccept and move forward with your head held high, when our state allows it.

Today, the gratitude is known to many people and its virtues have been proven in many scientific studies around the world in particular because it would allow turn any difficult situation into a “gift”.

In this article, we're going to dig a bit deeper, as promised in the article”From bipolar to millionaire”, the concept of gratitude.

And more than theory, which we all already know a little about, we are going to try to apply it in your life in a concrete and effective way, thanks to speaking exercises to do at home in most cases.

The aim?

That you can finally see The hidden face of bipolarity.

The other side of the room which, let's face it, is often very well hidden but which, once discovered, gives us access to its treasuries.


No longer seeing bipolarity as a burden but as a challenge to be met.

No longer see bipolarity as a punishment but as An enigma to decode.

No longer seeing bipolarity as an enemy but as A partner to dance with.


See bipolarity as A gift that you would never want to part with.


Let's continue together and allow me humbly to try to change your mind.

And to make your mouth water a bit, know what to do The experience of gratitude has also worked for people with paraplegia, those injured and traumatized by war and many others.

But I will not tell you more because that is what you will discover a little later.

Nothing simple or magical, however, since to benefit from it, it requires Take action and keep up the effort over time.

And unfortunately, There will always be harder times than others.

But let's remember that this is the lot of everyone on Earth, bipolar or not.

In fact, you will be amazed at how much that can be efficient with the example of People who had in the Second World War.

Interesting isn't it?


First of all, it is essential that I inform you ofOne of the most important things that you are going to learn here.

If you don't believe it, the effects will be minimal or non-existent.

On the other hand, Believe in it firmly and the results will surprise more than one of you.

It is also my responsibility to warn you that the first results may appear quickly but also much later because it depends on your receptivity, of your practice time, of his frequency and also ofloudness And theenergy that you put in.

Five factors, therefore, that you should definitely remember.

And to help you do that, you can use the acronym FRENCH FRIES, quite easy to register..


  • Frequency
  • Receptivity
  • Intensity
  • Practice time
  • Energy

So every time you eat fries, you'll think of them instantly!

“Gratitude always elevates a depressed spirit”

Viktor Frankl is an emblematic Austrian figure in the psychiatry.

He and his were deported family, in the Nazi hell camps.

Only he will come out alive.

Sad fate anyway.

However, despite this The most terrible ordeal, Viktor does not come out of it annihilated.

Even more, it comes out grown, louder, find a senses profound and experiences gratitude.

A gratitude that will make him say YES to life even after these terrible acts against him and his Relatives.

He himself will teach us the first two Gratitude exercises, as simple as pie, in order to enter The world of gratitude:

  1. Each morning and evening, name three things you are for thankful
  2. Start sharing smiles every day.

Perhaps it is still a bit difficult to achieve because you are in a Complicated phase.

“At the bottom of the hole,” as they say.

Well here are a few examples of gratitude that I use myself when I don't have the imagination:

  • Thanks for life
  • Thank you for this day
  • Thank you for the support I receive every day
  • Thanks to X for helping me
  • Thanks for the food, the roof and the warmth of my home
  • Etc

It's all good to be thankful.

And I challenge you to do this exercise mentioned above during 30 days and to tell me what effect that had on you.

Moreover, the psychologists Robert Emmons and Michael McCullough have shown, thanks to an experiment carried out on three groups of people, that the practice of gratitude allows you to have a overall better health.

In addition, the sleep quality (You can also find our other tips to improve it here) and theoptimism In relation to life had raised.

“Put your heart into it, you will find health there”

Here are a few profits that you will find when practicing gratitude :

  • Reduction in depressive symptoms.

A study showed that by taking a Gratitude journal (5-minute diary) and by writing a thank you letter to someone, the majority of participants observed positive changes during the following weeks or even months, such as the Reduction of depressive symptoms.

  • Improved sleep.

The participants also observed an improvement in the quality and duration of their slumber.

  • Heart health.

La blood pressure has also been improved as well as the outcome of some heart problems.

But even more:

  • Boost mood and improve relationships.

Our attitude I won't find any more Positive, emotionally balanced And the Feeling of happiness increased.

Also, demonstrate gratitude towards your loved ones allows, in addition to feeling better about each other,improve this relationship.

  • Reducing toxic emotions.

By being satisfied with what we have in the present, it reduces the feeling of jealousy.

On the other hand, Hope and Optimism are increased.

  • Improve the work environment.

By regularly practicing the gratitude, you will find yourself being a Best chef and create a best network.

You will also be more productive and will take better decisions

  • Facilitate the managing difficult times.

During difficult times, the practice of gratitude makes it possible to overcome them in a better way. Resilient By staying thankful the little things that surround you.

So yes I know...

This is a feast for us and it is very beautiful on paper.

But why would that also work on you?

Here we are talking about a pathology with intense symptoms and unforeseeable.

What I am offering you today istry for only 15 days.

Simply 15 days of writing in a newspaper at least 3 things, morning and evening for, for which you are experiencing gratitude.

And 15 days at least sketching a smile during your day.

At the end of these 15 days, let us know (via the Facebook community for example):”Bipolar discussion group”), of What has changed for you.

“Do what you want”

There was never a question about this Blog to tell you what to do.

But only to guide you towards what could also work for you.

Through this article, supported by scientific studies that you can easily find by typing “studies on gratitude”, so we were able to see that gratitude has real positive effects on our mental and physical health.

Reduction in symptoms of depression, sleep improvement, better management of emotions (...), so many benefits that are needed bring attention if you want to be and remain stable over the long term.

Once again, Nothing is simple.

But keep your head above water because the buoys are there, within easy reach.

The practice of gratitude is part of these buoys available.

So, Take advantage of it.

It will only make you well.

As usual, you can deepen your knowledge about bipolarity by going to see the trainings that HopeStage offers.

They are Free and so go for it.

In the meantime

Be well.
