Depression is a constant battle of body and mind to keep from sinking.
Here is one, for a moment unpleasant.
More than unpleasant, he Lead, kills At low heat, give unable and inert. Personally, I hate him.
And finally, it won't be just a moment. Because that is the law of depression, it is not we who decide.
Feeling pulled by this desire toGet better and the reality that is bursting into our face: it's complicated. Impossible maybe?
You never want to fall in the middle again. depressive phase
You know, the one that makes you amorphous, the one that makes you lose all confidence in yourself and who hangs any possibility of decision making.
But now, sometimes she comes back.
S'stop working, if only for a certain period of time, then becomes obvious. And to tell the truth, the dream of quitting full-time then takes us.
However, big decisions should not be made during this difficult period. Because yes, you have to know it, our perception and our Judgment is biased by the disease.
Thus, resigning must be done during a period during which the lucidity will have regained the upper hand. Or at least during a period when decision-making is possible.
But in concrete terms, what can we do during this period, which sometimes lasts weeks or months?
The question is there, apparently simple. Because the answer is not obvious.
First of all, how do I know that I am in depressive period ?
Because yes, the signs may seem obvious but sometimes they are more subtle that they don't seem to be there.
Then why do I fall in depression ? What are the trigger factors to this evil that is capable of plaguing me for a period of time that will seem like an eternity?
And finally, what can I do to remedy ? What are the immediate options available to me in order toEnravel the mechanism And of Get back on top ?
These are all questions that we will try to answer as simply as possible.
In general, the answer will seem obvious to you. The question might even seem stupid to you.
However, from my experience, I have noticed that there is A lot of subtlety in depression. And it can manifest itself from different ways.
In any case, that was the case for me.
The dictionary tells us about it this way: “Mental state characterized by fatigue, discouragement, weakness, anxiety.”
In itself, it corresponds well to the various symptoms that can be felt during the phase. Learn more about bipolarity and symptoms.
From my point of view, it seems good to add that this is going to be characterized differently depending on the person.
For example, my anxiety is externalized in a particular way. For my part, this involves a total Questioning of my surroundings.
During my depressive period, the same intentions will come back every time: To cut ties with certain loved ones and to stop all my current projects.
For me, this also means a deep desire to solitude.
The problem is that, in general, it is from a seclusion that we get as close as we can.
While The solitude chosen invigorates, isolation makes you regress.
How to overcome isolation during a depression
The danger is there.
Confusing your desires and therefore moving towards risky behaviors Who will reinforce depression. Because yes, loneliness is good, even in depression.
Over time, I personally learned to identify those moments when I needed to be alone.
A simple tip is to ask yourself ” What is important to me now? ” and to listen to his response.
It couldn't be easier, isn't it?
That might sound pretty simple. However, depression is deceitful and sometimes hides behind the most mundane things in daily life.
For example, personally, it starts with no longer having longing to do a small outing that usually enchants me. It is also starting to see things negatively for no reason.
In fact, we can spot these small changes but often, we could also confuse with a simple fatigue of routine.
And that's where the trap.
When one is bipolar, routines are essential. But following the same thing over and over can be boring. And when you get tired, you have to Be vigilant. Indeed, this routine is our guarantee of good mental health.
So here are some signs that could catch your attention:
There is no need to worry if any of these signs appear. However, ask yourself this question whenever you are in doubt: ” Do I have a reason to be concerned? ” . For the rest, listen to yourself and Trust yourself.
If the answer is yes, Talk about around you.
If the answer is no, move on. There is no point in lingering and worrying unnecessarily.
In fact, it exists several factors.
One of these is, of course, scientist.
Being neither a doctor, nor a researcher or from any other scientific profession, I leave it up to them to explain it better than I will.
You can find a summary of what bipolarity is hither.
Another factor is, that of The environment.
The environment plays a essential role about our mental state.
Personally, in the past, I often chose an environment that did not suit me.
To appear cool, the price was huge since I lost my identity there. A bitter Regret Stay in my heart when it comes to choosing my Attendances. However, they shaped me and brought me to where I am today.
Fortunately, this is a factor that can generally be controlled or changed.
Indeed, even if it may seem complicated to you, for example, it is possible to Change friends, of spouse or of Stop frequenting malicious people.
In personal development, it is often said that theWe are the sum of the five closest people.
Which means the more positive these people are, the more positive you will be. And vice versa.
If we look more closely at the environment in general, it is quite obvious thatA stressful environment is going to be disruptive.
So here is a list of some events that could promote depression:
So you have to be particularly attentive when one of them occurs.
For example, one day I had a traffic accident that forced me to stop working for a fairly long period of time. I remained vigilant about this event which, I thought, could have disturbed me.
However, it is not until the end of the stoppage and the resumption of work that the depression pointed the tip of his nose.
“The great lesson of life is that sometimes it's the fools, more than the wise, who are right.”
There is no There is no magic bullet, ready to use, to get out of depression. I would have liked to tell you the opposite but that is not the case.
On the other hand, what I can tell you is that there are little tips that can change the course of things. Of simple tips that actually work.
You're not going to leave the depression overnight. But progressively, by dint of attempt, you will succeed.
I called these remedies the therapeutic triad:
You guessed it, I didn't invent anything. But let's take a closer look at the benefits of the latter two.
I voluntarily leave the medication one. Indeed, I am not a psychiatrist and the only advice I can give you is to follow your treatment or change psychiatrist if necessary.
The experience of Accompaniments that I can bring you is that of my experience.
Here is the list of therapists who took care of me:
What do I recommend the most to people with psychotherapy? mood disorder. I was followed for more than 10 years by a psychologist And she was of a Extraordinary support.
She also helped me untangle a good number of knots tightened to the maximum.
It is in part thanks to her that my situation is what it is now.
However, I also know thatit can be difficult to find the right person. Indeed, it is sometimes difficult to find the right fit. Especially when it comes to confiding in yourself.
For my part, I was lucky to have been advised by my mother and to have had the opportunity to be followed by this psychologist. Because yes, it is not accessible to all budgets, unfortunately.
Fortunately, there are good CMP coaches, who are, for their part, taken care of.
The black dot will remain there availability.
I tried several times thehypnosis at a time when I was not yet aware of my illness.
The experience is enough Enriching yet intriguing. Indeed, it is relatively difficult to relax completely in front of a person you've never seen in your life.
However, as for the psychotherapy, once the right therapist is found, it becomes a very pleasant experience.
Not knowing, at the time, the real causes of my Unwell, I think that the work done was biased.
Beyond one pleasant experience of deep relaxation, I will not be able to say if this is effective or even if I will recommend it.
It came at a time in my life when everything accelerated.
To tell you the truth, it was a Hypomanic phase Who shot in mania. So I could not tell you about its benefits in depressive phase.
Luckily for me, a quick support And targeted actions allowed me to catch up with reality.
During this period and for some time after that, I had the help of an acupuncture practitioner.
For those who benefit from a Mutual, know that it is possible, depending on the options purchased, to be reimbursed all or part of the session.
Of course, it takes more than one session to really feel the beneficial effects.
Personally, I think I did just under ten sessions.
My opinion?
It was for me ultra beneficial.
At the beginning of the manic phase, the first acupuncture session allowed me to refocus And of Calm me.
Lasting an hour and a half, it plunged me into a state of deep relaxation.
I admit that going back is very appealing to me. However, being quite far from home and having a substantial price of sixty euros, I push back.
My dream of becoming Bipolar coach is in the process of being realized.
It is therefore natural and logical that I have turned to this solution in the past.
Les profits Have been huge in a few sessions.
In fact, I went there for a bit without a specific purpose.
I came out grown and full of enthusiasm from the first session. That makes work on yourself in a way that was previously unknown.
For example, we worked on my relationship with money. It occupies an important place in my life and blocks me enormously since the fear of running out comes back regularly.
Thanks to the coach, we delved into the reasons and dug deep into my being why this fear is blocking me so much.
Finally, the link with an apprenticeship in the past, of this fear, was quite obvious.
I could only advise you to go see a coach. This one will allow you tolearn more about you, will also help you better understand your mental mechanisms and sometimes even to better understand how you function in relation to the disease.
If you are interested, you can contact me to discuss.
I only saw a sex therapist for three sessions. The work done was not thorough enough, however, I thought it would be interesting to mention it here.
But why did you consult a sex therapist ?
Bipolar, you are not unaware that it may happen that the sexual desire can be intense in Hypomanic and manic period.
En depressive period, it can be upset or even non-existent.
If you didn't know it yet, know that it's likely.
As a result, and having never really had aSex education, I asked myself a lot of questions about this.
Moreover, sexuality has often led to Guilt at my house. The same one that could drive me into the depression.
Any source of stress can cause a disorder in theBipolar mood. Guilt leads to stress. It therefore creates the possibility of depression.
Personally, I found these sessions very interesting. On the other hand, I don't know if I would choose this option if I had to do it all over again.
The price is, as for the others therapists, consistent. So you have to think about it carefully.
Well, clearly, if you have reached this level of the article, you still want to have A few ways to get out of it.
Don't panic, they're coming.
But why did you tell you abouthypnosis, of sex therapist or even life coach ?
What is the relationship between all of these therapies and my depression? Could you tell me.
In truth, they are already leads from different Remedies for depression. But let us understand each other well, these are exteriors.
They are to be distinguished from more personal solutions that anyone can apply themselves, without outside help.
And by the way, here we are.
So, what are these incredible solutions that deserve to read an article as long as this one?
I am not going to go through four paths. There are not a hundred of them. However, I think that there is As many solutions as there are bipolar.
I am, at my core, a very introverted and shy.
Lack of self-confidence or simple introverted character ?
Hard to say.
On the other hand, what I noticed is that The more I express how I feel, the less depressed I am.
And when I can't avoid depression, I stay there for a lot less time.
THEloudness is also much weaker.
But what to say?
Well be honest with yourself and say What's on your heart. Personally, unloading myself emotionally made me up my mind.
For example, when I keep something inside me, I tend to Enclose and to rehash always the same thoughts.
As soon as I get rid of this weight, I feel liberate And the depression, who pointed quietly at the end of his nose, taking a step back.
So that brings us to the next tip; Surround yourself with the right people.
People who know how to listen to you and understand you and your illness.
Often, one kind person is enough. Besides, it's better to have one kind person than five people who don't care about you.
Sleeping is good. Sleeping well is better.
Personally, it's my pet peeve, my monster. For some time now, I have been fighting against an invisible force that is preventing me from getting a good night's sleep.
Ah... what I still dream about the time when I fell asleep in no time and nothing could wake me up.
Maybe that time is over, but I know it in my heart that one day (maybe tonight? ), I will get back to good quality sleep.
Well, so, you will understand, I can't really teach you how to sleep well because I myself can't do it.
However, a few tricks promote the arrival of a restful sleep.
1. We're going to bed early
It is scientifically proven, and known to many of us. The hours before midnight are the most restorative.
So no more going to bed late, we watch Good Night Little Ones and we have sweet dreams.
2. We turn off the screens
Ouch Aïe Aïe, nowadays, it's quite complicated.
And in addition, when you work all day and there is only evening to enjoy yourself watching a good movie, it's hard to resist.
But no, now it's ancient history.
We choose a Good book and we go to bed around 9 pm to enjoy for one hour the delicious story that will accompany us in our dreams.
Yes, sorry, I would rather you sleep well than read my articles late at night.
But that's only part of the deal!
3. We think of something pleasant
Personally, every night (if I don't fall asleep too quickly), I think about all the things I'm thankful for.
Indeed, I am happy to still have my family, my arms, my legs and my eyes.
There is always something you can be for thankful.
I can't thank my psychologist enough for saying this to me:
Moving is life
And that seems so logical.
But it is TRUE, Without movement, there is no life.
And in depression, although I understand that this is difficult, You have to move.
No need to run ten kilometers, let's get along.
Make a Small walk or simply Tidying up your house is enough. And in addition, behind you have a clean and tidy apartment.
Honestly, there's nothing like Move to stop depression.
Looking back, I thank my mother a thousand times for motivating me to go Stroll while I started moping. Each time, I resumed hope and I saw the future in a better light.
Don't underestimate The power of movement.
It is thanks to the movement that the world was built and you are not unaware that even nature is in perpetual motion.
Take nature as an example.
She chose to direct slow movements that are not very visible, but that make it durable.
Like nature, Do small things that will make your stability last.
Depression is a complex condition During which he is often difficult to act.
At the very least, solutions don't come in as much as one might hope for when we are in this kind of period.
In this article, we tried to see what are solutions to stop this negative mechanism which sometimes leads to drama.
Once again, thank you so much for reading this article! Write to me in the comments or by email the difficulties you encounter during depressive phases, I would be happy to answer it.
With that, stabilize yourself well